Stafford County Core Community
(formerly know as Circles)
Ways to Serve
Prepare or serve food for Meals Provided Weekly
Become an Core Friend – A friend to Graduates of the Class
Help with Local & County Fundraisers:
Help with the Work
Provide Food
Contribute with Items – For Rummage Sales & Bake Sale
Buy Items at the Fundraisers
Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Youth Core Ministries
Stafford Contact
Jeanette Hildebrand 620-546-3763
Stafford Meetings
United Methodist Church
218 Stafford St., Stafford, KS 67578
Use the North entrance
St. John Contact
Felicia Norton 620-388-8514
St. John Meetings
Mondays – 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
First United Methodist Church
807 E. 1st Ave
St John, KS 67576